Friday, December 14, 2012

Why I write

I ran. Fast. Out of breath. Lungs bursting. Legs hitting the earth. I thudded up the path, around the corner, right up the stairs and reached the door. I flung it open and ... suddenly.. I heard them. Those dreaded footsteps right behind me. I knew it, I knew I was being followed. I whipped around and saw...


Me said breathlessly, ‘Don’t run away! We need to talk!’

‘No,’ I said, ‘there’s nothing to talk about. One of me is bad enough. I don’t need two.’

Me said, ‘You always run away from what you’re afraid of, or what you don’t like. Face it!’

‘No,’ I said, trying to shut the door, but Me had her foot in it. ‘Go away. I’m afraid of facing you.’

‘What are you most afraid of?’

So I stopped. Me wasn’t going away. I said slowly, ‘I’m afraid of being alone. I’m afraid of running out of money, of friends... I’m afraid of losing those I love. I’m afraid .....’ and I went on and on. Me and I – we went in through that door, and we weren’t running any more. We sat and talked about it. It all poured out – the fears, the tears.

After a long while, Me said, ‘Why don’t you write about it? About what you think? About what you want to.’

‘No,’ I said, ‘I’m afraid. What if no one likes it?’

‘Only one way to know. Only one way to attack this. It’s your first fear. Face it. Write.’

So I sat and began to write....


  1. Wow! Seriously this one is just for me. Amazing post it absolutely.

  2. And you're gonna write, - right?

  3. It's beautiful. I'm afraid to face so many of my fears too. I owe my 'me' that one to one session now.

  4. Janey, get your gun! Whoa Girl!

    1. er... was that a compliment or threat, A K ?

  5. Super post...amongst your best:)
    Isn't it an irony that we risk losing our own self because of the fear of losing all those "other" things?

    1. Yes, it takes courage to be one's self, when one knows especially, that one's self is not quite normal :)

  6. nice loved it could feel the fear in me...telling shud i read it or not :-)

  7. Replies
    1. it is. I'm still afraid some times. No most of the time.

  8. Awesome ....i agree.. this is one of your very best...... your "me" was right.. so happy you listened and keep writing... i can never get enough..

    1. Thanks Futsi. You have a wonderful trip back to your childhood trees!

  9. I want to pen down my fears as well...I guess we should have it as a theme sometime next week.

  10. what a beautiful thought! and so well put!

    1. Thanks Uma. Honoured that you had time to read this during your vacation.

  11. I love your writing style!! And this was beautiful!!

  12. Now this list will be never-ending.... but the best thing is to enjoy the moment... reflect on good memories and if you can block away the fear.......that is if you can't meet them head-on :P

    My biggest fear though right now is that you getting too serious!!!!!!!

    1. Haha, yes Ira. I realised I was getting away from the looniness of this blog too. Will try and stick to inane insane observations and lighten the mood of the universe once again. :)

  13. That was very profound Jane! A situation that would be kinda scary to me though :) !! Super one, as ever, even if away from your witty take I've got used to :).

    1. Right Aparna. Now that I've got the seriousness out there, going to revert post haste to the lunacy! :)

  14. So true. It's the one thing that's common for every one of us - the lack of guarantee...but to accept that and live life boldly is enlightenment and I'm far from that stage :(

    1. You're not as far as you think you are, Deepa. Trust me, I've seen you and you're brave!

  15. What a perspective. What a story. What a thought. Loved it

    1. Thank you. That makes me happy - to have connected on some level.

  16. always love d way you write.. and what a take!

  17. That's why they say-you are your worst enemy and your best friend 'coz no-one knows you like you yourself.The day we come to terms with all our fears and insecurities will be a day to celebrate!!
    BTW,how many times do you erase and re-phrase when writing??I seem to do that all the time!!!We all want to sound oh! so correct and so actually hunting for a word here....and I feel the minute I do that there is something I do not want to project/share/whatever!!!We are seasoned liars,Jane....we hide and run away from ME at every instance...

    1. You've raised so many valid points I don't know which one to reply to. And this is not the right forum anyway. A long chat over a huge pot of chai is. Next time you're down, huh?

  18. wow .....just wow.... ok now there is a wow, just wow and a some more text. so I'll end here.

    1. Thanks J Barnett. I'll settle for the first Wow.
