Friday, December 21, 2012

Bucket List

Bucket list when I was 6

I want the tooth fairy to give me 2 new teeth really quick!

When I was 8

I want to become an airhostess and see the world. (Now that I’ve got my 2 front teeth).

At 11

Air-hostesses are fluffy. I want to become a pilot and see the world.

At 15

I want to marry Shahrukh Khan.

At 17

I want to marry the guy next door.

At 21

I don’t ever want to marry. I want to work hard and become rich and famous.

At 22

I’m sick of working. I want to marry someone rich and famous.

At 23

I want to save the world and all its animals and people and trees.

At 24

I want to learn to dance the flamenco, and learn the guitar, and learn Spanish, and work on a film script, and travel the world, and work all day and party all night.

At 25

I don’t want a single one of the above. I want to get a house of my own, with wonderful kids and a dog, and sit at a window and look at the sky and write a book, and write a column and write a blog .... and read and read... and write and write.

At Now.

Got there. Living my bucket list right now. Don’t seem to have anything more I want to do. I’m boring!!!! Help!

But guessing from the way my life is, I’m sure I’ll have one tomorrow, and a new one a year later. Maybe write that film script? Maybe work in a small town in France or Papua New Guinea? Maybe go look after polar bears or koala bears or tigers in the Sunderbans?  

I guess what I’m trying to say is that my bucket list in a work in progress. The bucket seems to have a hole at the bottom and the handle’s too rusty to carry around for long. It also seems to change shape. Sometimes it’s the size of the plane I wanted to learn to fly. Right now, it’s so tiny it’s non-existent. I’d like to see my 2 li’l boys grow up  to start working and stand on their own 2 feet. That’s about it. Before that, I refuse to kick the bucket. Or even think of one. (The one that’s overflowing in the bathroom, draining out the water tank, while I sit and write this blog).


  1. ROFl..super duper list...LOVED it girl!
    live life king Size..who cares about buckets anyway?

    1. haha. except the one overflowing in my bathroom right now!

  2. I had the same bucket list at 25! except for the dog :) :)
    Write a book is a work in progress...kind of shifting towards write a film-script and direct it.Reading you is that essential kick in the butt to make me stop dreaming start doing.

    1. WEll, I have a 10 year lead I'm sure on you... so start NOW

  3. Writing a book is too kickass Jane.. and I know you're going to go on to more amazing things :). I think our bucket lists grow more mundane as we grow older.. sigh.. to have the same list now as we did at 10 - that'd be so super!

    1. Will give you advance notice and hope you can make it to my book launch some time in Feb. :) (And at 10, I wanted 2 front teeth, so am a lil glad the wishlist has grown with me)

    2. No way you can keep me away ;).

  4. Smart post! When my husband asked me what I was writing - I said bucket list. He asked me do you know what it means? I said that's when I changed it to my wish list. I am not ready to kick the bucket....for a long time now ;)

    1. So you can add tons more to the bucket list, can't you?

  5. A list that defines and mirrors you yet is much more than just that... you are an inspiration to me

    1. Even though I'm now boring, huh? Thanks Hathi P!

    2. Nonsense talk like that will get a fitting response in person.. .. you and boring do NOT fit in the same bucket ahem ahem.....

  6. A list that defines and mirrors you yet is much more than just that... you are an inspiration to me

  7. LOL Trust you to come up with a bucket with a hole! Love it!

  8. So what if the handle is rusty and there is a hole at the bottom of the bucket but girl Thats one set of super dreams and now go get it. And you are boing???! Awwww!! How did you even think of it?

  9. Hey, while your post is awesome, you sure cheated us list-lovers of a list :) Go for one.. bulleted or numbered (your choice!). And PNG sounds awesome. I want to visit there too. Someday. As for SRK, I have my sights on one Mr.Craig :)


    1. If I made a list, Mr. Craig would be on it, for sure :)

  10. Superb list! You made me smile (i nodded in agreements at many points).:)
